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Vedu App for iOS Download Free Latest v1.0.9

  • Download the Vedu APK file on your iPhone
  • Locate the file and unzip it
  • Now edit the file name from “.APK” to “IPA.” Also, rename the app from Vedu to “Payload. IPA.”
  • Now open AMs1gn and Install the IPA version of Vedu.
  • The Vedu app for iOS is ready to go!
  • Open your Safari browser and download the Ios Ninja app.
  • Now download the Vedu apk file from the the download button above
  • Locate “Vedu.apk” and edit its name to “Vedu.IPA”
  • Now open the iOs Ninja app and tap on the Vedu iOS version to install it
  • Install the app, and your Vedu for iPhone is ready for streaming.


If you are more concerned about your privacy on your iPhone devices, we recommend you download the apps only from the Apple app store. Using jailbreak methods or third-party apps to install mobile applications on iOS devices can be risky for phishing attacks or other serious threats. Regarding this platform, we assure you of the secure Vedu streaming application for your Android, PC, and iPhone.


To update the app, you first need to uninstall the previous version. Download the latest version of the Vedu app, as given above. Then, follow the complete APK installation method shown above.

To be clear, no! But technically, yes. For iPhones, we require IPA files. Vedu is only available in APK format so far. However, as mentioned above, some methods exist to convert the APK Files into IPA to run on iOS devices. This way, you can install this app on your iPhone.

Ams1gn is a browser extension that you can easily find online. Downloading this extension will ask for permission to inject it into your iOS. Confirm Yes! Within a few moments, the app will be installed on your device.

Upon installing this app on your iPhone, you will unlock all its Android features. You can cast its projection to bigger screens and binge-watch multiple movies nonstop. 

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